If you knit
And/or you enjoy hearing about random acts of kindness
Then this will make your day!
Design Sponge recently wrote about “a renegade group of crafters who know their way around a pair of knitting needles.”
So I just had to check them out.
OMG! These guys are definitely “leaving their mark” on this world:
They’re called Knitta.
Check out their one of-a-kind hand knitted goodness!
Yep, they’re yarnbombing!
For the record, I don’t knit. (Actually, I’ve never even tried it.) But my friend Abby knits, and she sure makes it look like tons of fun! I think Suzie might knit, too.
More Fun Knitting Stuff
You don’t even have to be an avid knitter to make yourself a delicious cupcake! (It’s actually a pin cushion.)
Who knew… that you could knit yourself some flip flops? (More fun flip flops stuff here.)
The Homeless Guy likes to knit. In fact, he’s Knitting A Home. (P.S. Don’t miss his homeless people facts!)
My favorite knitting blogs are My Sister’s Knitter and Tin Can Knits. Enjoy!
And last, but not least — because it is getting colder these days — here’s a little something FUN that you can knit for the guy in your life. (Scroll to the very bottom.)
And finally…
Only knitters can appreciate this video. It’s called ‘The Last Knit’: